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Standardization of the petroleum industry and its strategic development

[ Information dissemination:This station | Release Time:2019-09-16 | browse:826 ]

The implementation of the standardization strategy is a major deployment for the Party and the country, and it is also a major opportunity for the development of standardization. The standardization strategy is forward-looking, macro, systematic, basic, guiding and long-term. It is a strategy that seeks to maximize the benefits of technology competition and market competition through the effective use of mature technology standards or technological changes to realize the innovation or transformation of technology standards.

Establishing and improving standardization strategy is the means, support, guarantee and countermeasure of sustainable development of industry, which directly affects the rise and fall of industry. The industry standardization strategy is based on the industry as a carrier, with the goal of continuously improving the competitiveness of the industry, combining the market, policies, domestic conditions and international trends. It defines development plans, establishes management systems and standards systems, promotes the revision of standards, participates in international standardization activities, trains talents, and promotes implementation. Among them, the construction of standard system is the foundation, the training of standardized talents is the core, and the establishment of key standards is the key.
The implementation of standardization strategy is a long-term, meticulous and arduous system engineering. After China joined the WTO, under the background of improving the socialist market economy system, the technical committee of oil industry standardization put forward the guiding ideology of industry standardization strategy for the first time in 2003. Over the next decade or so, the standardization strategy of different periods has always focused on the development strategy and plan of the oil industry, systematically layout, follow the law, carry on the same course of events, and keep pace with the times, with the brand under the background of the times. It also embodies the characteristics of the development of the oil industry and promotes and ensures the healthy and orderly development of the industry.
1. Progress towards a standardized strategy
1.1 Implementation of the Tenth Five-Year Plan standardized strategy
In the face of the opportunities and challenges brought about by the accession to the WTO, the Ministry of Science and Technology put forward three major strategies: "talent, patents, and technical standards" at the beginning of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", and incorporated the standards into the country's strategic level. Specifically pointed out the three major strategies of the development of technical standards: the management system transformation strategy, the purpose is to achieve the fundamental transfer of China's technical standards management system from a planned to a market type; Coordination strategy with scientific and technological research and development, the purpose is to make the technical standards become the bridge and catalyst for the industrialization of scientific research achievements; The aim of the international breakthrough strategy is to realize the fundamental transfer of our country's standards collection and participation in international standardization.
During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, the petroleum industry quickly formulated market-oriented, internationalized and information-oriented measures in view of the overall requirements of the state for the standardization of industries. It follows the principles of "flexible application, high efficiency of norms, fairness and transparency, and integration and improvement", adheres to the principle of "integration, improvement, and internationalization", promotes standardization through information technology, and promotes standardization and standardization for internationalization. The core contents of standardization strategy mainly include marketization strategy, integration strategy, integration strategy, internationalization strategy and informatization strategy. Among them, internationalization is the direction, marketization is the condition, integration is the way, integration is the method, and informatization is the basis.
The implementation steps of the "three-step" standardization strategy for the oil industry from the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" to 2020 are proposed. By adopting international standards and advanced foreign standards, China's oil and gas industry has brought technical standards with technical characteristics to the international market, substantially participated in the formulation of international standards, and established a system of technical standards in line with international standards as soon as possible. Thus, the share of petroleum products in the international market is increased, the international competitiveness of petroleum engineering and technical service enterprises is improved, and the international influence of petroleum enterprises in China is increased.

Under the guidance of the industry standardization strategy, through five years of unremitting efforts, 16 professional standardization committees and 2 directly-affiliated working groups were formed during the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, and the work systems of two national standardization technical committees were coordinated; In the upstream field of the oil industry, 88 national standards and 1,671 industrial standards were issued; The conversion of 62 international standards, the adoption of 71 advanced standards from abroad, and the formulation of 27 standards for bilingual Chinese and English versions have brought the bid rate of national standards to 56.9 %, industry standards to 8.3 %, and the degree of internationalization of petrochemical technical standards has significantly improved.

1.2 Strategic Layout of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Induction and Absorption
At the beginning of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Standards Commission proposed to establish a technical standard system supplemented by national standards and corporate standards, and industry standards, group standards, and local standards. In order to achieve this goal, the state put forward the idea of "promoting scientific and technological innovation and implementing the standard strategy." During this period, oil demand was strong and oil prices continued to rise. The strategic position and economic value of "scarce resources" became increasingly prominent. In order to ensure the security of the country's oil and gas supply, the three major oil companies have actively expanded international exchanges and cooperation and opened up overseas markets. The need for advanced and applicable technical standards for access to international markets challenges the authority and competitiveness of the national and industry standards used.
To this end, according to the strategic deployment of national standards and the actual needs of the standardization work in the oil industry, the standardization strategy of "based on industry and looking at the world" was put forward, and the "integration, improvement, and internationalization" approach was adopted. It has established a system of technical standards for the petroleum industry that will form a combination of national standards and industry standards by 2010, and will be advanced, applicable, and in line with international standards. The overall level of standardization work will reach the work goal of the middle and developed countries. By the end of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, we must basically solve the problems of the rationality of the standard architecture of the oil industry and the coordination between levels.
During the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, the Technical Committee for Standardization of the Petroleum Industry and the 16 standard committees jointly formed a standardization work organization system at the national and industry levels; A technical standard system for the petroleum industry consisting of 178 national standards and 1527 industry standards was established; The rate of bid acquisition in the related fields of national standards has reached 89.7 %, and the rate of bid acquisition in the related fields of industry standards is 24 %; The international standardization work has achieved a shift from general participation in tracking the development of international standards, hosting international standardization activities, etc., to substantive participation in the submission of international standards proposals and assuming the work of the secretariat of the International Organization for Standardization(ISO) Technical Sub-committee.

1.3 Optimization of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan System and Strategic Transformation

In 2011, the National Standardization Administration issued the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" for the development of standardization, which put forward higher requirements for standardization work. It is clearly stated that we should speed up the establishment and improvement of the standard system and further improve the standard level. On the basis of the initial solution to the problems of aging, missing and lagging standards, it is more urgent to improve the overall quality and efficiency of standardization in order to meet the new needs of scientific development and transformation.
During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, China's oil demand is still on the rise, and natural gas has grown rapidly as a clean energy source. Technical standards are an important support for the sustainable development of the oil industry and an important means to deal with the green development of a low-carbon economy. The standardization work focuses on the theme of the scientific development of the petroleum industry and the main line of changing the development model. It focuses on "comprehensively covering, optimizing the system, improving the level, and promoting convergence", and focuses on improving the scientific, effective, practical, and international degree of standards.
During this period, 11 sub-technical committees such as petroleum geology and liquefied petroleum gas were established, as well as industry standardization technical organizations such as coal bed methane, shale gas, and deep-sea petroleum engineering in the energy industry. Together with the Technical Committee for the Standardization of the Petroleum Industry, they formed a more complete oil industry. Standardization work system; The standard structure has been optimized. Compared with the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", the proportion of national standards has increased by 35 %, and in the new revised projects, projects that adopt international standards have increased by 13 %. The strategic thinking of standard internationalization has changed from "localization of international standards" to "internationalization of local standards."
2. Standardization strategy in the new era
The 13th Five-Year Plan is a decisive stage in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The state has put forward a strategic task of fully promoting the implementation of standardization, and requires that standards should be used to promote innovative development, coordinated development, green development, open development, and shared development. We will promote industrial upgrading with standards in an all-round way, form new competitive advantages, promote medium-high growth and move to the medium-to-high-end level of the economy. In the 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Oil and Gas, the NDRC called for the promotion of China's superior equipment, technology, standards and services. These countries 'major policies have pointed the way for standardization reform.
The State Council has issued the Reform Plan for Deepening Standardization Work and the Development Plan for the Construction of a National Standardization System(2016-2017), and has designed and comprehensively deployed the standardization work during the 13th Five-Year Plan. With the aim of establishing a new standard system in which government standards and market standards are coordinated, the decisive role of the market in the standardization of resource allocation is emphasized.
The standardization work of China's oil industry has achieved remarkable results in terms of improving the standard system of the oil and gas industry, improving the quality and level of standards, and promoting the internationalization of standards in line with the needs of marketization and internationalization. However, compared with the international advanced level, we still have a big gap in terms of standardization management, institutional set-up, standard system, and the quality of the revision of the standard system.
The Technical Committee for Standardization of the Petroleum Industry proposed a new standardization development strategy based on the current situation, problems, and strategic concepts of the various aspects of the organization structure, work system, and standard system of China's oil industry standardization:
(1) Establish a unified, scientific and effective system of national standards, industry standards, group standards, and working mechanisms for the upstream and downstream integration of the petroleum industry in China.
(2) By 2020, China will have basically completed a coordinated and unified alliance of standards for China's petroleum industry organizations, innovated a standardized work mechanism for internationalization and marketization, and formed a standard system, work system, and organization system that meets the requirements of the state.
(3) By 2025, China will have established a complete, unified, authoritative, internationally influential and competitive alliance of standards for China's petroleum industry groups, and the standard quality will have reached the world's advanced level.
The development strategy under the new situation, the guiding ideology of "marketization" and "internationalization" is in line with each other. As the core content, it is consistent with the National standardization strategy. The criteria for group alliances have been highlighted in the national Reform Programme for Deepening Standardization and in the standardization strategy for the oil industry. This is not a new concept. As early as May 1982, Comrade Kang Shien pointed out: "The development of science and technology can not be separated from standards. The United States has APIs and Japan has JPI. Can we get a CPI? In 2003, some experts proposed that China's development of technical standards system should expand the scope of cooperation, form technical alliances, and seize market gaps. It can be seen that at the beginning of the formulation and implementation of the standardization strategy for the oil industry, China has proposed the idea of establishing a strategic alliance.
At present, the standardization work system formed by the oil industry "government macro management, standard committee organization, special standard committee implementation, and support of the three major companies" can not yet meet the market needs of the country to deepen standardization reforms. We will make full use of the successful experience of standardization organizations in developed countries, form the "China Petroleum Industry Group Standards Alliance", and set up a group standards system that is clearly structured, clearly interfaced, and integrated with national standards, industry standards, and enterprise standards. This conforms to the overall guiding ideology and basic principles of national standardization reform.
3. Concluding remarks
Standardization strategy has the basic and strategic attributes and is the institutional guarantee for the sustainable development of the industry. Once the standardization strategy is established, it should become a guiding document for industry development and be implemented steadily in accordance with the corresponding steps. From the perspective of development, the trend of the standardization strategy of the petroleum industry is from passive to active, from imperfect to perfect, from point to point, from part to whole, from short to long.
To implement the standardization strategy, we should adapt to the increasingly fierce competition environment and combine with the industry itself. In the past decade or so, under different times, the standardization strategy of the petroleum industry has always adhered to the principle of "integrating, improving, and internationalizing", closely centered on the guiding ideology of the National standardization work, and fully integrated planning, goals, and measures with the times. It has ensured the sustainable development of the oil industry.
At this stage, in the period of deepening standardization and reform, we should focus on the present and the future, innovate and implement the standardization strategy, build a new standard system that is "unified, advanced, and recognized by international peers", and promote the formation of a new pattern of coordinated development between national standards, industry standards, group standards, and alliance standards. The new oil industry standardization strategy is more in line with the needs of economic and social development, and the full play of the role of market players will more effectively help the rapid development of the oil industry.



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